


Flutter Hybrid Development Play Android Client

This project is developed using the API provided by WanAndroid, and adopts the MVP architecture. The project uses a combination of Flutter and native development to implement some functions, such as registration and login. Excellent open source frameworks used include Dagger2, Retrofit, RxJava2, etc. The project has been fully migrated to androidx. Since I rarely work on the development of common apps in my daily work, I developed this project during my free time as a practice project. If you happen to need a complete project for practice, this one is definitely suitable for you.

Since this project was built early, the dependency injection framework Dagger2 has not been replaced with the more user-friendly Hilt. Hilt and the recently popular declarative UI authoring approach Compose are also components of the Jetpack series. Considering the large amount of work required for replacement, it will be continuously iterated in a new branch in the future. Stay tuned for updates. The project address is as follows:

Implemented Features#

  • Login and registration
  • Home articles
  • Project categories
  • Knowledge system
  • Article details
  • Bookmark function
  • Point information
  • My sharing
  • App upgrade
  • To be continued

Please report bugs on the issue page for timely fixes.

Project Demo#

If the screenshots are not clear, it is recommended to view: Introduction to WanAndroid Open Source Client.


APK Download#

Download link: JzmanWanAndroid-1.0-release.apk


Future Plans#

As a practice project, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and keep up with the latest technology and reflect it in the project. In addition, new modules will continue to be added and display details will be optimized. For example, the current version has optimized the display of articles from Jian Shu, and the display of articles from other niche sites is yet to be optimized. The following modules will be completed irregularly in the future:

  • Article search
  • Interview topics
  • Daily questions
  • Reading history
  • Dark theme
  • And more...

I haven't been very productive recently, so I'll find an excuse to comfort myself and attribute it to the adjustment period after the New Year. I hope to come back in full swing and continue to work hard. Welcome to star.

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